JavaScript Spread Sheets

Angular Separation
Russ Back's Astronomy Calculator
Russ Back's * Astronomy Calculator
Burham Calculator
Decimal Calculator
Epoch Converter
Eyepiece Magnification
Facility Predictor*
Length Calculator
Meteor Shower Table
Moon Rise/Set Times*
Our Solar System
Planetary object, User Defined
**Planetary object, User Defined
******Planet Positions - testiranje*
***bolje***Planet Positions - testiranje*
***zelo okrnjeno***Planet Positions - testiranje*
***zelo okrnjeno***Planet Positions - testiranje, ki deluje*
**************Planet Positions - vnesi elemente tira*
Planet Positions*
**Planet Positions*
Planet Positions, Current*
Planet Rise/Set Times*
Right Ascension/Declination <=> Altitude/Azimuth*
Rotating Moon Phases
Strehl Ratio
Sun Rise/Set Times*
John Thorstensen's Sky Calendar*
John Thorstensen's *Sky Calendar*
Wise Observatory Astronomical Calendar*

These are JavaScript spreadsheets. Fill in where "user input" is needed and click the [Calculate] button. Where you are prompted for a date/time, leaving blank fields will default to the current date/time.

* JavaScript sheet uses latitude, longitude, time zone, and other parameters from the customized call to this web site (see [Edit Location] link).

JavaScript Sheet Descriptions

Note: Many formulas had to be converted through two different programming languages. If you find any formula errors, please send an e-mail.

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This web site was last updated 08/23/02